This calculator is made for those who are interested to make their monthly payment in two equal parts twice a month (after every 14 days). For Bi-weekly payments, interest is also compounded Bi-weekly.
Interest Compounding Frequency: Generally, if you make your payments Monthly, interest is compounded Monthly. Generally, for Mortgage Loans, payments are normally done at the End of the Period. Payment Type: There are two payment types: End of the Period and Beginning of the Period. Loan Date (mm/dd/yy): Input the date from when your interest is calculated. Annual Percentage Rate (APR): This is the Nominal Interest Rate. Original Loan Amount: Input the original amount of your loan. Only Value > 1 is accepted in this field. Now you want to start your Extra Payments to pay off your loan faster. Suppose, you have already made 2 years of payments on your 30 years mortgage. The year you will input, after that year your Extra Payment will be counted. Remaining Years: If you have already made some payments and now you want to start your Extra Payments, input the Remaining Years of your loan. For home mortgages, it is normally 20-30 years of the period. Original Loan Terms (Years): This is the original tenure of your loan. You can also give some irregular payments as input. The first step is to input the loan details. We divided the monthly payment by 2 to get the bi-weekly accelerated payment.
For other templates, we have calculated the bi-weekly payment ( Accelerated) from the monthly payment. In the first template (on the left side of the worksheet), we have calculated the genuine bi-weekly payment ( Equivalent). This Excel template has actually two templates. So, every 14 days, you will make one payment. We have made our Bi-weekly mortgage calculator with 26 payments per year.
But if you plan to pay twice a month, your total payments will be 24.Ģ Steps to Calculate Biweekly Mortgage Calculator with Extra Payments in Excel So, regular bi-weekly is 26 payments per year. If you pay with the monthly schedule, you will pay 12 times a year. If you pay the loan with the bi-weekly schedule, your total number of payments in a year will be 26 ( 26 x 14 days = 364 days). Biweekly Mortgage Calculator Template.xlsxīi-weekly is a period of 14 days.