
Paying extra biweekly mortgage calculator
Paying extra biweekly mortgage calculator

This calculator is made for those who are interested to make their monthly payment in two equal parts twice a month (after every 14 days). For Bi-weekly payments, interest is also compounded Bi-weekly.

  • Interest Compounding Frequency: Generally, if you make your payments Monthly, interest is compounded Monthly.
  • Generally, for Mortgage Loans, payments are normally done at the End of the Period.
  • Payment Type: There are two payment types: End of the Period and Beginning of the Period.
  • Loan Date (mm/dd/yy): Input the date from when your interest is calculated.
  • Annual Percentage Rate (APR): This is the Nominal Interest Rate.
  • Original Loan Amount: Input the original amount of your loan.
  • Only Value > 1 is accepted in this field. Now you want to start your Extra Payments to pay off your loan faster. Suppose, you have already made 2 years of payments on your 30 years mortgage. The year you will input, after that year your Extra Payment will be counted.
  • Remaining Years: If you have already made some payments and now you want to start your Extra Payments, input the Remaining Years of your loan.
  • For home mortgages, it is normally 20-30 years of the period.
  • Original Loan Terms (Years): This is the original tenure of your loan.
  • You can also give some irregular payments as input. The first step is to input the loan details. We divided the monthly payment by 2 to get the bi-weekly accelerated payment.

    paying extra biweekly mortgage calculator

    For other templates, we have calculated the bi-weekly payment ( Accelerated) from the monthly payment. In the first template (on the left side of the worksheet), we have calculated the genuine bi-weekly payment ( Equivalent). This Excel template has actually two templates. So, every 14 days, you will make one payment. We have made our Bi-weekly mortgage calculator with 26 payments per year.

    paying extra biweekly mortgage calculator

    But if you plan to pay twice a month, your total payments will be 24.Ģ Steps to Calculate Biweekly Mortgage Calculator with Extra Payments in Excel So, regular bi-weekly is 26 payments per year. If you pay with the monthly schedule, you will pay 12 times a year. If you pay the loan with the bi-weekly schedule, your total number of payments in a year will be 26 ( 26 x 14 days = 364 days). Biweekly Mortgage Calculator Template.xlsxīi-weekly is a period of 14 days.

    Paying extra biweekly mortgage calculator